”I was born in in Nigeria, and I am a Save the Children youth ambassador. When I was 14 years old, I became a child right’s activist.
I am proud to be a girl from northern Nigeria who was able to finish school. Now I am at university! This is not something you see very often. In my community, only 4% of girls get to finish secondary school. While this number may sound extreme, unfortunately it’s not uncommon around the world. Globally, girls are three times more likely to be out of school than boys.
Without education, the world’s girls will be left behind. That’s why, today and every day, we’re recognising that girls are worth educating and empowering. So I promote the rights and the well-being of girls, while showing brilliant people like you how you can be part of the solution.
Investing in girls gets amazing results, and education and empowerment are our best bets for keeping them on the path to success.
Thank you for your supporting girls’ right to education through Wonderbooks!”
Click here to watch Save the Children’s Girl’s Champion for Nigeria, Maryam Ahmed, read her poem ‘A Girl With A Book’.
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